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40 gentrol point source sds

Professional Pest Control Products & Info from Veseris GENTROL POINT SOURCE ROACH CONTROL DEVICE. Product Codes: 641859. Manufacturer: Zoecon. More Documents: Presentation. Label. Brochure. All product label and Safety Data Sheet (SDS) information is provided by PDF Zoecon Gentrol IGR Concentrate - LabelSDS Zoecon Gentrol IGR Concentrate Safety Data Sheet 05/24/2019 EN (English US) 4/6 Odor : Weak, neutral, paint-like Odor threshold : No data available pH : 7.29 Melting point : Not applicable Freezing point : No data available Boiling point : No data available Flash point : 200 °F Relative evaporation rate (butyl acetate=1) : No data available

Gentrol Point Source Roach Control for Kitchens Gentrol Point Source Label. Gentrol Point Source SDS. $45.99. Availability: In stock. SKU. Gentrol Point Source. Qty: Add to Cart. Add to Wish List Add to Compare. More Information. More Information; UPC: 041535378905: Active Ingredient (S)-Hydroprene 90.6%, Other Ingredients 9.4%: Target Pests: Roaches: For Use In:

Gentrol point source sds

Gentrol point source sds

Gentrol Point Source IGR | Gentrol Insect Growth Regulator Discs ... Gentrol Point Source IGR is an easy to use Insect Growth Regulator disc that effectively breaks the life cycle of targeted pests. It can be effective for up to three months, offering long-term control of cockroaches and some stored product pests. $1.65 Add to Cart Expert Help Available In Store Free Shipping* Label - MSDS PDF Material Safety Data Sheet Point Source Roach Control Device GENTROL® POINT SOURCE ROACH CONTROL DEVICE Manufacturer: Wellmark International Address: 1100 East Woodfield Road, Suite 500 Schaumburg, IL 60173 Emergency Phone: 1-800-248-7763 Transportation Emergency Phone: CHEMTREC: 1-800-424-9300 1. CHEMICAL PRODUCT INFORMATION Product Name: Gentrol® Point Source Roach Control Device PDF Gentrol Point source 22.14 - My AIPM To activate the GENTROL POINT SOURCE, press firmly between thumb and forefinger on the pouch located on the side of the device, until a snapping sound is heard, indicating that the GENTROL-containing capsule has been opened (See Figure B). Following activation, the GENTROL POINT SOURCE is now ready to apply.

Gentrol point source sds. PDF Point Source Roach Control Device - Owl Pest To activate the GENTROL POINT SOURCE®device, press firmly between thumb and forefinger on the pouch located on the side of the device, until a snapping sound is heard indicating that the contents of the GENTROL®capsule have been released (See Figure B). Following activation, the GENTROL POINT SOURCE®device is now ready to apply. Gentrol Point Source - Where to buy Gentrol Point Source ... - Pestrong GENTROL POINT SOURCE MSDS of Gentrol Point Source Insecticide IGR - 1 Box / 20 Stations; All registered users can post a new review. Average 5 out of 5. Quality: 5: Performance: 5: Value: 5: 5 Total Review(s) in your selected language. Show reviews in all languages 5: 11-30-2021: Troy NUEBEL ... PDF Hazard statements - PestWeb Product Name • Gentrol Point Source Roach Control Device Synonyms • 37890A; EPA Reg. No.: 2724-469; Zoecon (s)-Hydroprene Roach Control Station II Product Description • Straw-colored liquid in a clear ampoule. Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against Recommended use • Insecticide. Restrictions on use • Gentrol Point Source | Cockroach Control Product | Ecovar Gentrol Point Source is a special Roach control device that contains the Gentrol Insect Growth Regulator (IGR) hydroprene for 90-day control of roaches and other stored product pests. ... MSDS COA Label. CY 10. Add to Quote. 0 out of 5. CY 10. 0 out of 5. Cypermethrin 10% EC A concentrated broad spectrum insecticide with immediate, residual ...

PDF Gentrol Point Source Roach Control Device MSDS GENTROL POINT SOURCE ROACH CONTROL DEVICE Manufacturer: Wellmark International Address: 1100 East Woodfield Road, Suite 500 Schaumburg, IL 60173 Emergency Phone: 1-800-248-7763 Transportation Emergency Phone: CHEMTREC: 1-800-424-9300 1. CHEMICAL PRODUCT INFORMATION ... Exterminator MSDS roach control device Keywords: PDF Zoecon Gentrol IGR Concentrate 2724-351 - Pestech ZOECON GENTROL® IGR CONCENTRATE Manufacturer: Wellmark International Address: 1501 E. Woodfield Rd., Suite 200W, Schaumburg, IL 60173 Emergency Phone: 1-800-248-7763 Transportation Emergency Phone: CHEMTREC: 1-800-424-9300 1. CHEMICAL PRODUCT INFORMATION Product Name: Zoecon Gentrol® IGR Concentrate Buy Gentrol Point Source - 1 Box to Get Rid of Pests at $34.99 20 Reviews Add Your Review. $44.99. In stock. SKU. BT012. Qty. Add to Wish List Add to Compare. Gentrol Point Source is specially designed to control tough infestations of roaches and stored product pests. Acting as an insect growth regulator, Gentrol prevents pests from developing into breeding adults. Gentrol Point Source - Carolina PCO Supply Co. Gentrol Point Source is as simple as squeezing the raised and of the plastic, adhesive-back device. ... Additionsl application sites can be seen on the Gentrol Point Sourse Label . LOGIN FOR PRICING. You May Also Like. CymeXa. Login for Price. Alpine WSG 500g. ... SDS Sheets/Labels; Contact Us; 1810 Frink St.•Cayce, SC 29033. 803 • 796 ...

Zoëcon | SDSLabels - Zoecon SDS Specimen Label Gentrol® Point Source Roach Control Device SDS Specimen Label Lambda 9.7 CS SDS Specimen Label Fact Sheet Lava-Lor® Granular Bait SDS Specimen Label Fact Sheet Mavrik® Perimeter SDS Specimen Label Fact Sheet Musca-Cide® Fly Bait Spray SDS Specimen Label Fact Sheet Petcor® 2 Flea & Tick Spray SDS Specimen Label Fact Sheet Gentrol Point Source - Phoenix Environmental Design Inc. Gentrol Point Source offers serious roach control thanks to its active ingredient. Although it doesn't kill roaches, it helps to reduce their population through a growth regulator. Female roaches produce numerous young over their lifetime. For example, German cockroaches lay up to 50 eggs at once in an ootheca and will produce around six oothecae before they die. Therefore, one female can ... Gentrol Point Source - 20/Box | Forshaw GENTROL_POINT_SOURCE_LABEL.pdf: GENTROL_POINT_SOURCE_SDS.pdf: Related Products Customers Also Purchased Safety GENTROL IGR CONCENTRATE - 10 x 1 OZ. GENTROL IGR CONCENTRATE - 1 PT. GENTROL COMPLETE AEROSOL - 18 OZ. GENTROL AEROSOL - 16 OZ. LAMBDA 9.7 CS - 1 QT. MAVRIK PERIMETER - 8 OZ ... Product Information | LabelSDS A roach control device, Gentrol Point Source® features the insect growth regulator (IGR) (S)-hydroprene for up to 90 days of control. This discreet, non-spray format utilizes a translocating active ingredient to reach hard-to-treat areas. Zoëcon's Gentrol Point Source® is approved for food-handling and kitchen pest control accounts. NFPA GHS 0

Gentrol Point Source Roach Control Device | | PestWeb by Veseris Making Gentrol Point Source® devices a part of your protocol can make treatments easier. Activating the Gentrol Point Source® device is as simple as squeezing the raised end of the plastic. This releases Gentrol® IGR onto a filter paper. From there, it translocates up to 75 square feet. That way, pests never need to come in contact with the device.

Gentrol Point Source - Oldham Chemical Company Gentrol Point Source (20 count) Mfg Part #: 37890A CLAMSHEL. SKU: 440-082-9. $40.08. Roach control device with all the benefits of an Insect Growth Regulator (IGR), in a discreet, non-spray formulation. It is ideal for food handling establishments, and any area where spraying isn't acceptable, such as computer equipment.

PDF AFFECTS ROACHES AND STORED PRODUCT PEST WITHOUT DIRECT - GENTROL POINT SOURCE is also intended to be used in various modes of transportation including but not limited to aircraft, buses, trucks, trailers, rail cars, and marine to aircraft, buses, trucks, trailers, rail cars, and marine vessels. FOOD HANDLING ESTABLISHMENTS GENTROL POINT SOURCE may be used in areas where food is handled or prepared.

Kitchen Cockroach Control | Gentrol® Point Source - Zoecon Gentrol® Point Source Roach Control Device Active Ingredients: 90.6% (S)-Hydroprene EPA Reg. #2724-469 As a roach control device, Gentrol Point Source ® features the insect growth regulator (IGR) (S)-hydroprene for up to 90 days of control. This discreet, non-spray format utilizes a translocating active ingredient to reach hard-to-treat areas.

PDF Gentrol Point source 22.14 - American Pest Mark with a pen the month when the GENTROL POINT SOURCE is activated. Press firmly between thumb and forefinger on the pouch located on the side of the device, until a snapping sound is heard, indicating the GENTROL-containing capsule has been opened. FIGURE C FIGURE B Gentrol Point source 22.14.005 2/26/02 4:42 PM Page 2

PDF MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET POINT SOURCE ROACH CONTROL DEVICE - Date Issued: 9 February 2009 Supersedes: November, 2004 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET GENTROL® POINT SOURCE ROACH CONTROL DEVICE Manufacturer: Wellmark International Address: 1501 East Woodfield Road, Suite 200-West Schaumburg, IL 60173 Emergency Phone: 1-800-248-7763 Transportation Emergency Phone: CHEMTREC: 1-800-424-9300 1.

Gentrol Point Source (20/box) - Target - Customer Portal A device used for roach control that can be used effectively and safely around food establishments and other areas where spraying chemicals are not recommended or used. They can be used discreetly and hidden away. It uses an insect growth regulator that sterilizes roaches and stops them from growing to eliminate and prevent infestations. 6/Case

Gentrol Point Source | IGR - diypestcontrol Gentrol Point Source is a special device that contains the Gentrol Insect Growth Regulator (IGR) hydroprene for 90-day control of roaches and other stored product pests. Gentrol Point Source covers 75 square feet .

Zoecon Gentrol Point Source IGR ZOE1007 - Gentrol Point Source is a special Roach control device that contains the Gentrol Insect Growth Regulator (IGR) hydroprene for 90-day control of roaches and other stored product pests. Activating Gentrol Point Source is as simple as squeezing the raised end of the plastic, adhesive-back device. This releases Gentrol IGR onto a filter paper.

PDF Gentrol Point source 22.14 - My AIPM To activate the GENTROL POINT SOURCE, press firmly between thumb and forefinger on the pouch located on the side of the device, until a snapping sound is heard, indicating that the GENTROL-containing capsule has been opened (See Figure B). Following activation, the GENTROL POINT SOURCE is now ready to apply.

PDF Material Safety Data Sheet Point Source Roach Control Device GENTROL® POINT SOURCE ROACH CONTROL DEVICE Manufacturer: Wellmark International Address: 1100 East Woodfield Road, Suite 500 Schaumburg, IL 60173 Emergency Phone: 1-800-248-7763 Transportation Emergency Phone: CHEMTREC: 1-800-424-9300 1. CHEMICAL PRODUCT INFORMATION Product Name: Gentrol® Point Source Roach Control Device

Gentrol Point Source IGR | Gentrol Insect Growth Regulator Discs ... Gentrol Point Source IGR is an easy to use Insect Growth Regulator disc that effectively breaks the life cycle of targeted pests. It can be effective for up to three months, offering long-term control of cockroaches and some stored product pests. $1.65 Add to Cart Expert Help Available In Store Free Shipping* Label - MSDS

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